Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Yacel - how I'm called by my most of the people who know me (childhood playmates, close relatives, colleagues, schoolmates, orgmates, friends)
Yaz - close friends
Roselle - professors, acquaintances, some friends from elementary and high school, or mom when I haven't been a good girl
Baby - mom, without the moods
Honey - mom, on lambing mode
Kikai - mom and her friends
Pukingking - ONLY my Lolo and Lola call me this!!!
Ate Tingting - my super lovable little cousins and their parents
Bonj - my gorgeous KALBO girls
Bonjskie - Kay
Bonjita - Kathy
Ate Yace - Benjo
Te Ya - roommates Joie and Eleiza
Tabachingching/Tabaching/Tabz (depending upon my "inflation rate") - those unfortunate visually impaired guys (Allan, Bars, Ozie)
Fatfat - Patpat (Erikson), he's obviously visually impaired as well
Baby Sis - my one and only Brother Bear Kietly
Hasel - Eszard's Tiyo Maning (he must have learned of what a hassle I can be sometimes, hehe..)
Mahal - my mahal
Monday, October 16, 2006
To KEM's outing/applicants' Final Rites, that is...
This has been one helluva sem, and I have been so looking forward to moments of rest and recreation. This outing would have been the perfect chance. Plus, as Buddy Committee Head I would really want to be there as our buddies, 40 plus of them, take their final step and officially become part of the KEM family.
However, going to the FR would mean not being with my Eszard on his birthday!!! And the day after, I'm already bound to fly home for a 2-week vacation.
Decisions... Decisions...
It pains me to make this choice. He may not say it, I know it pains him more.
(Speaking of pains, the outing expenses also hurt my budget!)
But I know he understands. My obligations come first. He knows that. It has ALWAYS been that way (from EC term, and all). It is the right thing to do I know, but I just don't feel right. I just hope this outing is worth all the sacrifices.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
We Just Turned One!
Yes, I am happy, and blessed, and still so in love...
Beyond words... =)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
NOT another melancholic September 24
Today was just so different. No reminiscing, no regrets, no tears. A clear sign that I have indeed moved on... totally.
I guess it's true what some people say, "When God closes a door He opens a window". Now I understand why it took Him quite a while to open that window, He was preparing something even better for me. And I needed to free myself from pain and blues, so I could appreciate what beauty He has laid out for me. It's amazing how He does things in His perfect timing.
That guy may have been a mistake, poor me to have had him for a first. Still I have him to thank - for making me a LOT stronger and wiser, among other things. I just don't get why some ladies don't learn, being part of his "collection" isn't at all fun.
Things do happen for a reason. Now I'm happy, and so looking forward to the anniversary of my heart's rebirth (three days to go!).
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Congrats VolleyBoys!

It was victory well-earned... Grabe, super exciting nung game! Too bad only a few got to watch since it was held someplace far from civilization (hehe...), and most of the students have exams scheduled tomorrow (including me, I have two!!!). With that I end this post.
Check out for SOME pix (I only got to take a few since the game got me busy).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Text Addict
It isn't always easy to discover one's potentials.
I can do a lot of things, yet I could hardly claim I am good at something.
However, there's this one talent I recently discovered. (Recently, as in just yesterday). And that is................................. (drum roll please) tadan, "texting" PRONTO!
(Haha, akala niyo seryosong talent?)
My mom always complains of what a text addict I am. She never fails to comment on how fast I type messages, and how I succesfully do that while pretending to be paying attention to her (meaning, "texting" without looking at my keypads at all).
It wasn't until yesterday when people considered me as "the person to beat" when I fully realized that. It was funny how they were concocting strategies such as stealing my phone, breaking my phalanxes, and even kidnapping me. (Don't get me wrong, these are all just for FUN... My orgmates aren't that evil... Or not? Haha!)
Anyway, the game was supposed to start at 5:30 pm. For some reason it was delayed an hour. I was feeling really feverish that afternoon, but I had to stay to play the game (thus giving me the chills the entire evening). I was even supposed to meet a friend I haven't seen in 3 years, but had to cancel, just so I could play the game. (Ooops, hope she doesn't read this!)
Contrary to what you may think, Pabilisan Magtexteng'g was no-nonsense. It made me reflect on the more serious things in life:
*It takes a great deal of passion and constant practice to achieve a certain level of proficiency.
**Speed isn't everything. To win, you need not haste. Care of the details is also essential.
***Winning a competition takes many other factors. It shouldn't dictate your self-worth. In any game, giving your BEST makes you a winner.
Cliche, but true.
ChE Bangs!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Congrats Buddy!
Yipee! So glad the hardest part's finally over. Being a buddy gave me the jitters as well. Never felt being taken care of on the entire course of my application process. That explains how well I take care of her. A little more heart and a little more effort and you'll be a certified KEMer soon! The privilege to be part of this SUPERB family ay hindi napupulot sa tabi-tabi lang. Haha, I deemed that most effective said that way. You'll understand soon every bit and piece of your application process, and I hope it molds you into the BEST KEMer you could possibly be.
Quotable Quote #1:"Sorry talaga buddy, sana maging friends pa rin tayo kahit 'di na 'ko applicante".
Quotable Quote #2:"Magalit na silang lahat sa akin, huwag lang ang buddy ko!"
Haha! Let this be one of the most memorable days of your life. I bet favorite characters mo na sina Krystala, Sabina, Action Man, Capt. Barbel, at Cyclops sa ngayon.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
MAY Baby
Stubborn and hard-hearted ~ nah, kay eszard lang ;p
Strong-willed and highly motivated ~ to some extent
Sharp thoughts ~ qualified
Easily angered ~ depends, not in most cases
Attracts others and loves attention ~ indeed
Deep feelings ~ absolutely
Beautiful physically and mentally ~ yeah, right
Firm Standpoint ~ not really
Needs no motivation ~ not at all
Shy towards opposite sex ~ giggles!
Easily consoled. ~ got a bar of chocolate? or a warm hug would do
Systematic (left brain). ~ right brain
Loves to dream. ~ who doesn't?
Strong clairvoyance. ~ perhaps
Understanding. ~ very
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. ~ you mean deafness? Haha...
Good imagination. ~ so NOT me
Good physical. ~ just the average
Weak breathing. ~ yup yup =(
Loves literature and the arts. ~ much more than unit operations and thermodynamics!
Loves traveling. ~ how i MISS traveling! =(
Dislike being at home. ~ uh-uh, i'm a certified homebody!
Restless. ~ i don't think so
Not having many children. ~ one would do
Hardworking. ~ yup
High-spirited. ~ yeah baby!
If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak too much in the next 4 days. ~ oh, crap!
Callalily's Rocket Launch
It was just great watching them perform. Great music, though the lyrics were kinda high school-ish (Lou noticed this first but who cares, they're really hot and this made him an official "Callalista"). They're a talented bunch of kids. Yes, kids. The fact that they're just 17- and 18-year olds makes Joel really sad. He was saying something about ruining their lives at a very early age. Oh well, achieving what they've always dreamed of, at an early age, ain't that bad either. Their single "Stars" recently topped notches at MYX and LS FM. And I just know it, weeks from now they'll make even bigger waves!
Sigh, Kean (on vocals) is just so hot! Those eyes, and the voice! Man, he just got me mesmerized.
Aaron (on bass) is cute too, though he gives Joel this "Brokeback" vibes.
I barely heard Tatsi (guitarist) speak on the entire duration of the launch. Really mysterious, and this makes him super sexy.
Alden (lead guitarist, plays the drums and sings well too) I don't really find physically attractive, but there's just something in him which makes him so lovable (no doubt he captured Lou's heart easily).
Lemuel (on drums) plays really well, not minding being isolated from the rest by a wall of fibre glass or something. He rocks!
The night was just so fabulous! The PhP85 mango juice and cab fare (trying to beat dorm curfew) were all worth it!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Those Were The Days
Sunday, August 27, 2006
SILVER RAIN finally poured
For two months or so, been working so hard for this... This is what actually got me back to blogging... I so wanted people to know about the event I poured my heart and soul into...
During the event. some things came up... No matter how we prepare for things, some unexpected nuisances just show up... They got me really disappointed... Not getting my PERFECT show made me believe I was a failure... A loser...
Thanks, Lou... Your post surely changed all that... And the people who sent messages, congratulating the event's success... It's more than fulfilling to know you enjoyed the show... To everyone who contributed to Silver Rain's success, my sincerest appreciation...